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dalarub & ettrich
knowledge • leadership • results
We are a team of high performing engineers, executives and leaders leveraging our experience and business success for our clients by identifying, rethinking and executing on their digital strategy.
We have developed mobile devices from the ground up, coded large software frameworks, developed tools for autonomous driving, designed cutting edge silicon systems, brought digital communication standards to drone development, transformed business units, built and led large organisations and companies, and even sold companies. We know what it takes at multiple different levels. ​
​But we are not consultants. We lead teams, we develop software, we assume CTO roles when needed, we lead programs, we design hardware, we build IoT backends and above all, we put skin in the game and call things by its name because there is no time to waste.
​Today, our work ranges from transforming traditional software companies into modern digital platform companies, all the way to realising business outcomes by building a complete self-learning IoT suite and its embedded client hardware and software.

We are guided by making tangible long lasting business results for our clients
Digital Transformation
Business Outcome First
There are many enterprises, start-ups, small businesses and large corporations that find themselves at the crossroads of needing to leverage all the opportunities offered by a truly digital economy. Everyone believes that they need or want a platform, but the real challenge is to identify the actual outcome that is sought after, and then and only then walk backwards to design and develop the digital solution. At the same time, this is a people transformation at heart, and it is as important to create a functioning organisation to continue the work.
Internet of Things
Not a Technology Challenge
The Internet Of Things is not a technology, data visualisation or AI problem. Using today's technologies, it is easy to connect any piece of hardware to a back-end in the cloud, provide out-of-the-box beautiful webpages and feed the data to a machine learning pipeline. The real business opportunity lies in the automation and contrasted business outcomes enabled after the devices have been connected. Identifying such automation model or the business outcome is not obvious, and thus needs detailed analysis capabilities based on knowledge.
Talent Availability
Near-Shoring Done Right
Expanding the size of the team via a services provider without affecting the quality or productivity is not black magic. But it is not as simple as throwing requirements over the fence of the services partner -- Knowledge Transfer, people Integration and honest peer reviews, to name a few, are needed to guarantee success.
Selecting a near-shore partner is a dedicated and rigorous process and not just based on the price list . We cooperate closely and share many success stories with the European custom software engineering specialist Intellias.
Our Clients & Partners